The GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), a consolidation of over twenty GSA Schedules, provides customer solutions and services organized by 12 Large Categories, corresponding Subcategories, and Special Item Numbers (SINs). The GSA MAS is designed to be an easy-to-use contract to assist federal agencies in purchasing products and services. EPS’ GSA MAS contract contains pre-negotiated labor rates, delivery terms, warranties, and other terms and conditions that streamline the Government’s buying process. EPS’ MAS currently supports customer mission requirements through our awarded SINs as follows:
SIN 541611 - Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services
Services include: providing operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues. Examples include: strategic and organizational planning, business process improvement, acquisition and grants management support, facilitation, surveys, assessment and improvement of financial management systems, financial reporting and analysis, due diligence in validating an agency’s portfolio of assets and related support services, strategic financial planning, financial policy formulation and development, special cost studies, actuarial services, economic and regulatory analysis, benchmarking and program metrics, and business program and project management.
SIN 541614 - Deployment, Distribution and Transportation Logistics Services
Services include: Deployment Logistics such as contingency planning, identifying/utilizing regional or global resources, integrating public/private sector resources, inventory/property planning, movement, storage, end-to-end industrial relocation/expansion services, and deploying communications and logistics systems to permit rapid deployment and management of supplies and equipment; Distribution and Transportation Logistics Services such as Planning and designing, implementing, or operating systems or facilities for the movement of supplies, equipment or people by road, air, water, rail, or pipeline.
SIN 541614SVC - Supply and Value Chain Management
Services include supply and value chain management, which involves all phases of the planning, acquisition, and management of logistics systems.
SIN 611430 - Professional and Management Development Training
Services include offering an array of short duration courses and seminars for management and professional development. Training for career development may be provided directly to individuals or through employers' training programs, and courses may be customized or modified to meet the special needs of customers. Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the establishment's or agency's training facilities, and through diverse means, such as correspondence, television, the Internet, or other electronic and distance-learning methods. The training provided may include the use of simulators and simulation methods. Proposed professional services shall be in support of planning, creating, and/or executing testing and test administration, learning management, internship, or development of new courses or subject matter delivered via an instructor-led (i.e., traditional classroom setting or conference/seminar) and/or web-based (i.e., Internet/Intranet, software packages and computer applications) system. Examples include Training Services that are instructor led Training or Web Based Training of Education Courses, Course Development and Test Administration, Learning Management, and Internships; Environmental Training Services in order to meet Federal mandates and Executive Orders; training of agency personnel to deal with media and media responses; Logistics Training Services related to system operations, automated tools for supply and value chain management, property and inventory management, distribution and transportation management, and maintenance of equipment and facilities; Audit & Financial training services related to course development and instruction required to support audit, review, financial assessment and financial management activities.
SIN 541330ENG - Engineering Services
Services include applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems. Services may involve any of the following activities: provision of advice, concept development, requirements analysis, preparation of feasibility studies, preparation of preliminary and final plans and designs, provision of technical services during the construction or installation phase, inspection and evaluation of engineering projects, and related services.
SIN 54151S - Information Technology Professional Services
IT Professional Services and/or labor categories for database planning and design; systems analysis, integration, and design; programming, conversion, and implementation support; network services, data/records management, and testing.
SIN OLM - Order-Level Materials (OLM)
OLMs are supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order placed against a Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) program contract or BPA. OLM pricing is not established at the FSS contract, but at the order level. Only authorized for inclusion at the order level under a Time-and-Materials (T&M) or Labor-Hour (LH) Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) - Subject to a Not To Exceed (NTE) ceiling price limited to 33.33% of the total value of the order or BPA OLMs are not items awarded under ancillary supplies/services or other direct cost (ODC) SINs (these items are defined, priced, and awarded at the FSS contract level)

- CS-00F-015CA
- 1/18/2020 - 1/18/2025
- Contact us for more information