Enterprise Networking
EPS provides a full range of communications infrastructure solutions. We perform Engineer, Design, Furnish, Install, Secure and Test (EDFIS&T) services that are based on ISO 9001:2015 approved processes and procedures, assuring our customers of quality in our execution. Our capabilities and experience include:
- Next Generation High Speed Voice/Data Networking, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Unified Communications (UC)
- Wireless (Wi-Fi, Microwave, Radio)
- Inside Plant (ISP)/Outside Plant (OSP)
- Video Teleconferencing
- Physical Security
- Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET)
- Mission Planning and DoD Teleport Access
Our experienced, certified personnel (Microsoft, Cisco, BICSI {RCDD/OSP/Technician/Wireless}) provide the full range of:
- Architecture
- Design
- Engineering
- Information Assurance (IA)
- Integration
- Logistics
- Installation and Testing
These services are needed to meet stringent mission requirements in demanding operational environments.

- Deployable Joint Command Control (DJC2)
- Joint Expeditionary Command and Control (JEXC2)
- Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI)
- Naval Expeditionary Combat COmmand (NECC) NETC2 Systems
- Expeditionary Sea Base (ESB)
- Navy Expeditionary Tactical Entry Point (NExTEP)
- Regional Hub Node
- Joint Network Node (JNN)
- Integrated Tactical Signal Battalion (ITSB)
- Tactical Radio Systems and Satellite Transportable Terminal (STT)
- Mobile Tactical Operations Center (MTOC)